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Parties de MJ Eretas > [PFRPG] Le retour des ténèbres (2ieme groupe)

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image Eretas:
décembre 24, 2014, 18:44:07

La profitabilité du gobelin d'or

Gold Goblin Profitability
Each Sunday, the Gold Goblin’s Profit Rating can change. After Saul makes his weekly Profession check to influence profitability, each PC gains a bonus (or a possible cut in pay) as indicated. Remember, the PCs’ weekly pay is 10 gp at the start. As they accomplish missions for Saul, he might give them raises. If a Pay Cut exceeds the PCs’ weekly pay, they do not have to pay Saul the difference—they merely
don’t make any money that week.

Profit RatingWeekly Bonus/Pay Cut
-4–20 po

Pour aider:
As a general rule, you can assume that a character can spend 4 hours a day working for the Gold Goblin and still have enough time left in his day to adventure, craft magic items, shop, or relax. If a character wishes to spend more time working for the Gold Goblin, he should run the risk of missing out on adventure!
Bluff (DC 15)
: Spend 2 hours a day cajoling citizens and tricking them into visiting the Gold Goblin. If this roll is failed three times, the character’s spreading reputation makes further Bluff checks automatically fail unless he successfully Disguises himself.
Craft (DC 15): Spend 2 hours a day and 10 gp to create eye-catching advertisements.
Diplomacy (DC 15): Spend 2 hours a day managing the help and greeting customers at the Gold Goblin.
Diplomacy (DC 20): Spend 4 hours a day convincing citizens to stop by the Gold Goblin.
Intimidate (DC 15): Spend 2 hours a day working as a bouncer at the Gold Goblin. Failure by 5 or more indicates a customer at the Gold Goblin picks a fight with the character. The customer is typically a Riddleport Thug or Thief, but can be a more dangerous foe if you wish.
Intimidate (DC 20): Spend 2 hours a day threatening customers of competing game halls that if they don’t check out the Gold Goblin, something bad will happen. After 1d4 such weeks of this tactic, the other game halls embark on similar campaigns, at which point this check can no longer increase the Gold Goblin’s profitability, but if someone doesn’t make the check anyway, the competition imparts a –2 penalty on Saul’s Profession check.
Perform (DC 15): Spend 2 hours a day performing for customers at the Gold Goblin.
Profession (gambler) (DC 15): Spend 2 hours a day working as a croupier or dealer at the Gold Goblin.
Spot (DC 15): Spend 2 hours a day looking for cheaters at the Gold Goblin.
Finally, a character can give Saul a bonus to his profitability check by donating gold to the cause. Every 50 gp donated grants Saul a +1 bonus for that week’s check, up to a maximum of +5 for 250 gp.

image Tareks:
décembre 24, 2014, 23:25:22

Mon inclinaison naturelle va pour la création d'ajout tape à l'oeil. Je vais tenter chaque semaine de créer des objets de type bijou pour faire de la publicité au Gobelin d'Or (faux bijoux qui pourront être copiés sur des parchemins pour faire de la publicité).

Craft bijoux +9

image Eretas:
décembre 25, 2014, 04:11:08

Saul Vancasherhin

image Ewells:
décembre 25, 2014, 12:40:33

Je vais utiliser mes talents de beau parleur pour les convaincre de revenir au Gobelin d'or !

Lance 1d20+8
10 (+8) = 18
Déplacé du sujet 16852 au sujet 17870

image Mahar:
décembre 25, 2014, 14:31:24

De mon côté, je ferai tout pour convaincre la population, ainsi que nos clients, les employés et le patron, que nous sommes RÉELLEMENT un établissement sérieux et qui mérite leur confiance...

Pendant mes heures libres, je parcours le quartier et la ville à la recherche de gens qui ont l'air moins malhonnêtes que la moyenne, pour les inciter à venir nous voir...

Jet de Diplomacie
Lance 1d20+7
(17)+7: Total = 24
Déplacé du sujet 16852 au sujet 17870

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